Thursday, December 2, 2010

What a semester. This could possibly be one to remember, not just in the case of DRIZAWING2 but in all classes. It certainly the smallest class that I've had so far. When it comes to the class/homework, I think there was some slight improvement from the start. If anyone else saw it, it was because I probably worked it. Though a lot of it was frustrating ((White conte on Black paper but I'm not picking favorites)) I never expected that I could draw what I drew. If I never come back to MCA, I will take what I have learned and try my best to become a success at my craft. Some objectives like the white conte on black paper, is most likely the most challenging for me, I know that there was substance in learning what I could from that.
Applying the newer skills to my sketchbook seemed kind of scary because in the back of my mind I did not want to mess up too bad. I wanted to apply the skills but at the same time, I was trying to impress you....I know realize I should not have given a fuck about how the picture looks, rather did I understand the concept you were trying to teach. I'll do this now just in case I never get another chance to.. Thank You Jason Cole for teaching me theses new skills. This was basically my favorite class because it is the closest to my major..I appreciate the chance to have been your student. If I ever make it big, I will not forget you. Overall I think I should get a B or a B+..xD